
1/5-8 台湾Days!! RiN(Novel Nextus)とIB6sideのお二人でShow&Workshopで交流させて頂きました。初めての台湾でしたが本当に多様な言語文化人間に触れ、自分も本当に成長させてもらえました。ダンスで仲良く繋がれるこの環境に感謝します。主宰のイーシャンとウーちゃんの心意気のお陰でした。本当に有難う✨

Workshopでは最近のテーマだった”空気を動かす” “後ろツーステップを用いてCreation”の2つをテーマに、そしてPrivate workshopもさせて貰い僕のダンス感を殆ど全てお伝えしました。少し抽象的な事柄も有りましたが何か感じてもらえていたら嬉しいです。台湾House Dancersはとてもクレバーですごく深い感覚まで理解していて本当に素晴らしかったです。また、ほぼEnglishで頑張って気持ちを伝えられた事は本当に良い修行でした。

ShowではRiNと2人ショーは初の作品でNovel Nextusをレペゼンしました。RiNは本当に勝負強さがあり力強いダンスを見せてくれますし、自分もイイトコ見せようと頑張りました(笑)会場のBig Apple Swing Studioがとてもクール!沢山のダンサーも集まってくれて終始踊りっぱなしでみんな本当にダンスが好き過ぎるのがビシビシ伝わってきて最高でした。公では僕は初めてDJ playもさせて貰え、コツコツ練習してて本当に良かったと思いました。メインタイムを任されてしまって当初はすごくナーバスでしたがこれも修行だと自分に言い聞かせチャレンジ!結果良い流れで選曲できて自分の眼前でアツいCircleが出来上がっていく様子に感動しました!AJさんには「踊らされたよ!汗だくだ!」と言ってもらえました(笑)日本のNew Style Hustleの面々もちょうど来てくれて本当に良かった。イベント中に台湾を牽引するYaoさん 、AJさんとちゃんと話ができました。めちゃナイスガイな2人。日本からノコノコとやって来た自分にハッピーにウェルカムに接してくれて本当に嬉しかったです。


●DJ play


臭豆腐… 小籠包… などなど。書ききれない体験を沢山したのでまたYouTubeにVlogを載せますので興味あれば覗いてみてください。またこのような機会にめぐり逢えたら最高です。Thank you guys!!

1/5-8 Taiwan Days!! There are too many photos and videos to choose from lol. I had the chance to interact with RiN (Novel Nextus) and IB6side at Show&Workshop Although it was my first time in Taiwan, I was able to meet people with really diverse languages and cultures, and I was able to really grow as well. Ta. I am grateful for this environment where we can bond together through dance. It was all thanks to the spirit of the hosts, Yishan and Wu-chan. Thank you so much✨

At the workshop, I focused on two recent themes: “moving the air” and “Creation using the back two-step”, and I also had a private workshop where I conveyed almost all of my dance sensibilities. There were some things that were a little abstract, but I would be happy if you could feel something. The Taiwanese House Dancers were very clever and had a very deep understanding of the senses, which was really wonderful. Also, being able to try my best to convey my feelings mostly in English was a really good training experience.

At the show, RiN and the two of them reprized Novel Nextus for the first time. RiN is really competitive and shows us powerful dance moves, and I tried my best to show off my good side as well (lol) The venue, Big Apple Swing Studio, was really cool! It was great to see so many dancers come together and keep dancing from beginning to end, and you could clearly see how much they all loved dancing. It was my first time playing as a DJ in public, and I was really glad that I was practicing hard. I was very nervous at first when I was given the main time, but I told myself that this was also training and took on the challenge! As a result, I was able to select songs in a good flow, and I was impressed to see a hot Circle being created right before my eyes! AJ said, “You made me dance! I was sweating!” (lol) It was really nice that the members of Japan’s New Style Hustle also came just in time. During the event, I was able to talk with Yao and AJ, who are leading Taiwan. Two really nice guys. I was really happy that I was welcomed so happily when I came all the way from Japan.

And two people from IB6side that I have a good relationship with quite often. Mr. Bufferin is like a big brother and a mentor to me, and in addition to dancing, he always imitates cool, manly behavior. Aoi also has a unique and cool atmosphere that makes the atmosphere calm from start to finish, and I felt it was a strange coincidence that we were able to travel together with these four people

Stinky tofu… xiao long bao… etc. I had a lot of experiences that I can’t write about, so I’ll be posting another Vlog on YouTube, so please take a look if you’re interested.

It would be great if we could have an opportunity like this again. Thank you guys!!
